Jan 11, 2016

Monday Meme: Catholic Coffee

It’s our first ever Meme Monday, where we dare to expand on a selected meme that has either touched us, made us giggle or say “Amen!”

Since our blog implies we as a group appreciate a cuppa coffee, I thought I would start us off with the above meme to set the tone for many memes to come.  This is a family blog, written by and for families.  Most of us have what many may consider a ‘large’ family.  We are converts.  We are cradle Catholics.  And even reverts.  We may be charismatic.  Or Traditional.  Adoptive mothers.  And mothers of many little souls who have already passed on.  But as the meme above implies, that no matter what our cuppa looks like, we all have something in common. We are faithful Catholics.  And we wouldn’t have it any other way.

So welcome to our cozy Cuppa Catholic Café.  Pull up a chair, pour yourself a cuppa coffee, and feel free to chime in on any topics we may be discussing.  We can’t wait for you to join us!


  1. Love this meme, Cassandra!! I'm definitely the top row type of coffee drinker! ;)


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