May 6, 2016

Friday Feasting: Nuggets of Grace

Everyone likes chicken nuggets.  The kids love them, the mommies and daddies love them for their ease of getting dinner on the table, and ketchup IS a vegetable, right??  But no one really wants to think too hard about what goes into those big bags of frozen chicken nuggets, do they?  The convenience weighs too heavy.  It ends up weighing pretty heavy on the pocketbook, too, especially for those of us with a ton of kiddos!

I have recently discovered Zaycon Fresh, where I can order 40 pounds of fresh boneless, skinless chicken breasts at a time.  I just have to bring it home and process it the way I want.  One of my recent “likes” in the processing is making homemade chicken nuggets.

I got my recipe from (of course), and I must say they aren’t as difficult as you would think.  My shortcuts/money-savers are: #1) grinding up all the bread ends I save from our countless sandwich lunches in my food processor for the breading. #2) using my kitchen shears to cut the chicken breasts up into nugget-sized pieces. #3) making one batch for dinner and another batch to freeze.  #4) using what spices/seasonings my peeps like and I have on-hand instead of what’s called for in the recipe. (It took me a LONG time to break out of that, but it’s SOOOOO very freeing!!)

So, here’s the link for the nuggets!

I hope your kids like them as much as mine do!!


  1. We always love to have home-made nuggets!

    1. It's been such a long time since we've made them! Can't wait to try out this recipe. :)

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