May 23, 2016

Monday Meme: 940 Saturdays

There are only 940 Saturdays between your child’s birth and when they leave for college.  What a sobering thought!

I have spent a good amount of time lately assessing and analyzing our family life. I also spend time in prayer, asking for much needed help to do the best I can with my limited time with my children. Much of my prayer time is consumed with the following questions:

Is my family life the way I would like?
Are we being kind to one another?
Are we spending our time fruitfully?  What is working? What needs to be tossed?
Am I too distracted by technology? Are my children too distracted by technology?
Do I have balance with outside events and inside events, knowing that I need to spend time on my own pursuits and so do my children, but home comes first?
Thinking of each child and myself individually, what virtues or habits do we need to develop? What interests or strengths should be encouraged?

I have the privilege to parent children from 21 years down to 23 months right now.  Looking at my oldest son holding my youngest really brings home the fact that these years are fleeting. Before I know it, my youngest will be 6 feet tall, possibly holding one of his nieces or nephews in his arms. By taking time to take an honest look at our life and the way we spend our time, I hope to make the most of the time we have together and to help my children become the young adults God wants them to be.


  1. Love this, Susan! We all need to be mindful and use this time wisely with our children. It flies by WAY too fast.

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