Oct 3, 2016

Monday Meme: Snooze OR Do

Every morning, I wake up with two choices:  go back to snooze or get up to do.  Lately, I’ve been getting up earlier than usual.  Understand that I am not a morning person.  It is much easier for me to stay up until 3am than to get up at 3am.  However, those early moments of precious silence are critical for my own peace of mind. I can pay a few bills or plan dinner.  I can pray or exercise. I accomplish something before the gang gets up and starts the “Momming”, like “Mom, where is my shoe?” or “Mom, make Joey stop looking at me.”

Getting up earlier than necessary is crazy to some, but every so often, that may be the only time moms get to be by themselves.  It is worth assessing if that might be helpful.  Of course, it does not have to happen daily, but once in a while, it can actually be a well deserved treat.

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